
Beer land of the free because of the brave
Beer land of the free because of the brave

beer land of the free because of the brave

a wrestling coach by profession, oddo was in a rather more combative mood. years later, the former lovers met again, and finding the old spark alive, broke their wedding vows after duly informing their respective spouses of the entanglement. she being christian and he being jewish, their parents frowned upon the match, whereupon debra married thomas oddo and bore him three children, while jeffrey married a different debra and went his own way. in a nutshell, young jeffrey and debra were childhood pets who grew up together. just how some of these obscure laws that lurk in the books can sneak up on you was brought home rather forcefully in a recent case involving dr jeffrey pressler of florida vis-a-vis his adulterous dalliance with debra tyson oddo, wife of thomas otto of north carolina. adultery is a punishable offense in many states, though, should the law be enforced, a country with a 50 per cent divorce rate would not have enough space to hold all the guilty. another law in arizona criminalises oral sex. among them is a massachusetts law that makes it a crime punishable by a $ 300 fine or up to a year in jail for anyone who "willfully blasphemes the holy name of god by denying, cursing or contumeliously reproaching god, his creation, government or final judging of the world." strictly enforced, even muttering "goddamn!" under your breath in boston can land you in the clink. the world's most self-flagellating democracy (we come a close second) has its own roster of outdated laws to match anything old blighty can throw up.

beer land of the free because of the brave

those of you who despair over some of our archaic laws inherited from the british - including the immortal indian telegraphs act of 1885 - can take heart. Now that the brouhaha over the bush girls swilling beer has subsided, many americans are realising by the clear light of day that the home of the brave may not be such a land of the free after all.

Beer land of the free because of the brave