
How to format sd card on macbook air
How to format sd card on macbook air

how to format sd card on macbook air

Get back to that trusty terminal cd /Volumes/partition1/efi/refit (where ‘partition1’ is the name of that same parition) followed by.Copy the ‘efi’ directory onto the root of the 50MB partition created in step 2.Before writing the Partition Table, hit the options button and select “GUID Partition Table”.Fill up the rest of the card with a partition of MSDOS-FAT.Open up Disk Utility (in /Applications/Utilities) and create a partition of 50 MB formatted “Mac OS Extended Journaled”.Download rEFIt from the rEFIt website.I can’t speak for any of the slower cards. I used a Class 10 card, and performance was…not terrible. Now we’re ready to install Ubuntu on the SD card (SD card must be at least 8 Gigs). sudo dd if=/path/to/converted.img of=/dev/diskN bs=1m to copy that image over to the flash drive.diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN where N is the disk number you found in step 3.More terminal goodness: diskutil list to find which disk is your flash drive.Hit up your terminal and use the following command to convert that image hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso.

how to format sd card on macbook air

Heck, if you have an external DVD drive, you can skip this all together. This is pretty standard stuff, if you’re reading this, it’s likely you already know it. Like I said, I’m using a Macbook Air, so there’s two steps to this process: creating a bootable flash drive with the Ubuntu image, and the actual installation. Scouring the web, there’s not that many resources indicating how, or if this is even possible. Recently I was trying to find a way to run Ubuntu off an SD card, so that I could use Linux on my Macbook Air (I’d have dual booted, but my Air has the 128GB SSD, which doesn’t leave much space after partitioning).

How to format sd card on macbook air