
Ygopro ai mode download
Ygopro ai mode download

Update default OnPreBattleBetween to recognize more cards.Change some int location to CardLocation location.Update ClientField.HasInMonstersZone to support check face-up card.Update Util.SelectPreferredCards and Util.CheckSelectCount to return the result.Rename AIFunctions.CompareCardAttack to CardContainer.CompareCardAttack.Rename AIFunctions to AIUtil (Usage: AI.Utils.Add DefaultScapegoat, DefaultMaxxC, DefaultAshBlossomAndJoyousSpring, DefaultGhostOgreAndSnowRabbit, DefaultGhostBelleAndHauntedMansion, DefaultEffectVeiler, DefaultCalledByTheGrave, DefaultInfiniteImpermanence.Add ExecutorType.GoToBattlePhase, ExecutorType.GoToMainPhase2, ExecutorType.GoToEndPhase.Add GetMatchingCards, GetFirstMatchingCard, IsExistingMatchingCard.Add Util.GetTotalAttackingMonsterAttack, Util.GetBotAvailZonesFromExtraDeck.Add Duel.SummoningCards, Duel.LastSummonedCards.Add ClientField.UnderAttack, ClientField.GetLinkedZones, ClientField.GetFieldSpellCard.Add ClientCard.GetLinkedZones, ClientCard.HasSetcode.Add ClientCard.IsCode, handle card alias.Add ClientCard.EquipCards, ClientCard.OwnTargets, handle equip cards.Add ClientCard.Sequence, ClientCard.ProcCompleted, ClientCard.IsSpecialSummoned.New decks: Altergeist, BlueEyesMaxDragon, GrenMajuThunderBoarder, Level8, Orcust, Phantasm, Salamangreat.If one chain includes two activation that use AI.SelectCard, the second one won't select correctly.The parameters are same as commandlines, but low cased. This can be useful for servers, since it don't use large amount memory.

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In this situation, it will be multi-threaded. WindBot can run as a "server", provide a http interface to create bot. Toadally Awesome (old lflist, master rule 3 only)

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Hand=1 will make the bot always show Scissors, 2 for Rock, 3 for Paper. If you are testing deck, you may want to make sure the bot go first or second. Put cards.cdb next to the compiled WindBot.exe. How to use:Ĭompile WindBot.sln using Visual Studio or Mono. A C# bot for YGOPro, compatible with the YGOSharp and SRVPro server.

Ygopro ai mode download